Based out of Arizona, I'm a New York transplant, with ties to the Crystal Coast in North Carolina.
I love cacti and the night sky in the desert, the sights and sounds of the city, and the calm that the ocean brings.
On a personal note:
I'm a mom. I have FIVE children. Four sons, and my daughter Chloe, who left this earth way too soon,
shortly after her 14th birthday. My children were my first models and my best test subjects.
I'm grateful for the amount of pictures I took when they were younger, because after a tragic loss,
the photographs you have help piece together the story of your life, when your brain isn't able to.
While the images are bittersweet reminders of how quickly life can change, I wouldn't want to be without them.
If I could encourage everyone to do one thing, it would be to document life.
I don't say that as a photographer, I say it as someone who is left with pictures as memories.
Find the balance between being in the moment and preserving the moment. You'll be glad you did.
As the only child of two musically inclined hippies, it's no wonder I'm a little crunchy, and a lot into music.
I love music, and I think in lyrics.
Don't be scared off if you love my photography style but you don't live in Arizona, my camera and I both love to travel.
I have shot coast to coast, LA to Chicago, across the north, and south to Key Largo.
(While I have shot in a few of those places, those are actually lyrics. Bonus points if you recognize the song,
and bonus bonus points if you sang along as you read it.)
Down to business:
My photography style can best be described as rich in color, with the majority of my art taken with a close-up,
candid approach. I have an appreciation for architecture, yet only as a back drop for humans.
If you were to ask my clients to describe a session with me, they would tell you to be prepared for field trips, stairs, doors, brick, ivy, buildings, alleyways, parking lots, streets, tall grass, etc... You get the idea. They might also tell you about my sarcasm and ability to find humor in all the things. They wouldn't be wrong on either account.
I recently came across the word "nocation". Simply put, it describes a location that leaves a lot to be desired.
Those are my favorite places to shoot. You'd be surprised what comes from focusing on the person, not the place.
My ideal client trusts my vision and artistic discretion. Also, they are not bothered by my tendency to switch gears
mid-shoot, if suddenly I'm inspired by a shiny object that I feel will take a portrait from mundane to insane.
I enjoy connecting with people, interacting and getting to know individual personalities. I love the innocence of children, the dynamic between siblings, the confidence of seniors, new blossoming love, and the familiarity of old love.
Now you know a little more about me, I'm looking forward to getting to know you, when you book your session.